in.transition. ~ thesis of my life

Monday, July 21, 2008


Would you say you are in transition in your life? Moving from one stage to another? I often hear that not only is the younger generation in a transient stage of life, but all generations.
I am a member of a church called Forestview Church Without Walls located in Oakville, Ontario. I have been a member since approx. 1992. It has been my second home. After completing my university degree in April of this year, I had been given a great honor and opportunity to start and lead a Young Adults group at my church called in.transition. Oh how its true for those involved. We have university students, full-time workers, college-grads, late teens, early twenties, and many more in shifting stages of live. We have individuals close in their step with the Lord, and those distant. Some searching to be closer, some not searching but interested in the concept. We have future engineers, future entrepreneurs, future pastors, future CEO's, future nurses, future world changers. Its very exciting! With two months & two series under our belt, God has already started working in peoples hearts and He can't wait to keep on goin'! Our first series was on Sex & Relationships with our second devoted to Jesus entitled "Societal Jesus v. Biblical Jesus". We are discovering ways to teach, learn, challenge, encourage and develop our knowledge and wisdom of our faith. There have been times of skepticism, pessimism, major doubt and impatience, yet God is working in peoples hearts, so we must continue to press on - looking to Him for guidance (Psalm 25) and asking for His wisdom (James 1). We will continue to run the race (1 Corn 9) and pray the Lord provides workers for the harvest(Matt 9).

Please pray for in.transition: for the Lord to heal the weary heart, humble the prideful, motivate the apathetic, exchange pessimism with optimism, exchange negative hearts with positive souls; call upon the leaders to lead, teach the teachable, create teachable hearts, challenge our heart mind & soul, create resources, make fishers of men & women, express His love, spread His love, invite us to Love, build community, build continuity, unit His people, unite his Church, increase passion, increase numbers, increase changed hearts; provide platforms for open conversations, platforms for new relationships; and for Jesus to be our true leader, the one directing us, the one molding us, giving us confidence, and teaching us to truly love Him and our neighbour.

My aim is to keep up with this blog weekly as in.transition. moves forward. With a website in the works, it will be much easier to keep things organized. Thank you for your prayers.
(if you are in transition and consider yourself a yound adult, please come out to in.transition. on Monday nights at Forestview Church (Hwy 5 & Bronte) in Oakville, Ontario @ 7:30.)

W. James Kelly

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