What changed on the Cross? ~ thesis of my life

Monday, March 31, 2008

What changed on the Cross?

What does the death of Christ on the cross mean to you?
What changed when Christ died on the cross?
John 19:25-30 - helped me understand these questions.

Read John 19:25-27
What does it look like at the scene of the cross. The movie "Passion of the Christ" paints a visual image of what this scene could have looked like. I feel its important to look deeper by putting myself in the 'sandals' of each peoples group at the scene.
The Roman Soldiers: confusion, duty, joy
The Women: sorrow, hatred, helpless
Disciples: regret, anger, broken
Jesus: love, pain, abandoned, fulfilled
I have now painted an in depth picture of the emotions that would have occurred at the cross.
Jesus has given his mother over to John (disciple whom he loved) to protect and to care for. He has now nothing of the world. He has prepared himself for death.

Read John 19: 28-30
Focusing on Jesus' two sayings: "I am thirsty" and "It is finished"
"I am thirsty" is said for two reasons:
First, to fulfill scripture - Psalm 69-21
Second, it demonstrates Jesus Christ's humanness. The only time Jesus seems to complain or request anything throughout his beating is here. If we did not have this account, it would be much easier to claim that Jesus used miraculous powers to persevere on through the suffering, in stead of the strength from God - which is what us as humans must rely on to persevere through sufferings (as demonstrated by Jesus).
"It is finished"
The Greek word for finished is "Teleo" meaning bring to a close, to perform, to fulfill. Interested when looking at the Greek we find that in stead of Jesus simply stating what he has come to do is finished, but what he has done is 'fulfill' what his Father asked of him.

The death of Jesus Christ was a demonstration of pure love. To take on the wrath of God by taking on the sins of the world, not to mention the enormous amount of physical pain, is an act I will never fully understand. His death gives me passion to live my life in accordance to His will. It gives me a drive to succeed in all I pursue under His name. It gives me a perfect role model to try to live by. It gives me hope for the day I will come face to face with Him sobbing tears of joy to hear the words "welcome my good and faithful servant".

To answer the question 'what changed on the cross', four words must be analyzed: propitiation, redemption, justification, and reconciliation.

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